My usual routine after putting on the laptop would be facebook, email then blog. With the current time constraint and tiredness i hardly get enough time to use facebook let alone blogging. So just for today because i felt like blogging I'm forsaking facebook. DID YOU HEAR ME? I'M FORSAKING FACEBOOK!
Gaaahhhh. Still no satisfaction from work. My injuries so far - 3 paper cuts :p I'm extremely concerned that i would GET FAT since all i do 5 days a week is sit in the office aside the occasional heavy lifting (boxes). For the other 2 days i sleep as much as i can. Damn! I'm good in bed.. I can sleep 12hours a day!
So anyone interested to go for swim after work?
Anyone interested to go for Diana Krall concert with me?
Did you guys read the papers on one of these days? The MP of Marine Parade suggested holding exit interviews for Singaporean citizens moving abroad and giving up their citizenship. What a joke. How can he not be embarrassed for making such suggestions to get more suggestions to make Singapore a better place? Idiot.
Okay now. Off to facebook.
Hey you! Guess my mood!
I'm a Goner
News Cast
3 Different Scenarios
Cheeky Ex-President
Beijing Olympics!
Cleaning Up My Act.. Not!
Quite Something