In Pursuit of Life, Liberty and Laughter
Little boxes on an island, Little boxes made of ticky-tacky, There's a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one and they're all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same. And the people in the houses All go to the university, And they all get put in boxes, Little boxes, all the same. And there's doctors and there's lawyers and business executives, and they're all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same.
Posted on Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Im a Heroes Junkie

Written by Yane at 10:11 PM
I'm a Heroes Junkie

Wow. Things took a huge turn in heroes after episode 20 - 5 years gone. This episode show us what things are like 5 years later. I'm going to skip the part on how exactly the show went but on how things are like.

First we find out what linderman said about the bomb in NY is only .07% is total crap. The world was pretty much in a mess in 5 years time. The numbers of super powered ones are increasing rapidly and the humans are alarmed and want them all dead.
The bomb went off and the world was told Sylar explodes but in fact it is Peter. Nathan was just trying to protect him. Peter is still alive and there's a huge scar on his face. I wonder how he got it.

Nathan tries to get rid of all the super powered ones but the thing is... Nathan isn't Nathan. It is Sylar. Future Hiro thinks that Sylar exploded and he wants to reverse it.

So the bomb went off and it killed Jessica son and husband. So now Jessica is with Peter. It didn't really matter to me if they are both dead. I didn't find their link to the show. But how could Micah die?! He's so cute and he can withdraw money from ATM!

Future Hiro died in the future thanks to Matt. He is sorta an ass now. Claire dad is a nice person trying to protect those with powers but MATT killed him. Which leads to Claire being killed by Sylar. How stupid.

So the show ended with Sylar fighting Peter. I cant wait for the next few episodes. But it's gonna suck that i have to wait for months for season 2.