In Pursuit of Life, Liberty and Laughter
Little boxes on an island, Little boxes made of ticky-tacky, There's a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one and they're all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same. And the people in the houses All go to the university, And they all get put in boxes, Little boxes, all the same. And there's doctors and there's lawyers and business executives, and they're all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same.
Posted on Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jelly Beans

Written by Yane at 10:02 PM

Jelly Beans!

When things get tough there's nothing better than popping jelly beans while watching a movie. And of course answering dumb answers right so you could have ONE jelly bean. I'm halfway done with the beans after only one day. I have such a weak heart for sweets. Pardon me for the blurry image. But close your eyes and imagine the taste of a bean.

The top contenders for Yane's favourite jelly beans are..... CANDY FLOSS, BUBBLE GUM and BANANA SPLIT!Aaaaanndddd the 2 that will be eliminate are.... the weird coffee tasting black bean and the red bean that stung my tongue.

As we know, i need money to get my eten glofiish. And i intended/went to looked for a job so i could save 1000bucks by the next IT fair. Unfortunately, the damn company offered me peanuts! $5 per hour with 1% commission. Even if i were to sell five $200 watches i get only $10! I can't even pay my cab fare with that.

I wanna catch knocked up! I also can't wait for bourne ultimatum and license to wed to be released.

Sometimes i find a certain action humorous but after awhile i totally hate it. Ugh.